
In The Beginning...

Such an auspicious start to the post, leading the reader to believe I have something of great import to pass along.  Unlike the Biblical reference, however, I want only to let you know that I am beginning my first post!

I am not really sure where this blog will be going but I am sure we will figure it out as we go along.  Originally, I thought it would be about home designs, particularly DIY projects.  I love reading blogs, magazines, and internet sites that help me do more with what I already have!  I thought I would need lots of projects completed before I could begin posting, so I would have something to show you.

Well, life happens and my good intentions were sidetracked.  Now, 14 months after setting up this blog account, I will begin.

This past summer has been a roller coaster of events and emotions.   I have summarized them below, in case anyone is interested.  The short summary is that our family has survived great transitions, overcome challenges to our home and health, and enjoyed many, many joyful relationships!

Thanks for traveling this road with me, as we begin creating paths to finding your Home!

My thought for the day is from Oliver Wendell Holmes:   Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

Gwen aka Pam aka Aunt Bea

The LONG Summary....

May 25-June 4:  My older son graduated from high school.  My daughter returned from a trip to China.  A friend suffered a heart attack and passed away from complications.  In order of event, I was Proud Mother, Relieved Mother, Grieving Friend.

June 10-30:  We celebrated my daughter’s 22nd birthday.  My older son (the recent HS grad) took a 2700-mile motorcycle trip along the Natchez Trace.  We met best friends for a weekend across the state.  Returned home from weekend away to 3’ of water in our basement.  (No, an indoor pool was not planned.)  Emotions:  Joyful Mother, Anxious and Praying Mother, Happy Friend, Disgusted Homeowner.

July 1-August 3:  Began basement cleanup.  Traveled to son’s future university for orientation and registration.  Great Nephew was born.  Had Biopsies of skin blemishes taken.  Sister moved several states away. Traveled to family reunion. Emotions:  Tired Homeowner, Proud Mother, Proud Great Aunt, Concerned Woman,  Sad Sister, Reunited Cousin/Niece.

Aug 8-August 31:  Daughter moved home from apartment.  Well pump stopped working as result of earlier flood.  Sick for 5 days.  Daughter moved into new apartment.  Older son moved to university.  Younger son began 3rd grade.  Learned one of biopsies was cancer.  Celebrated my birthday. Emotions:  Happy Mother, Poor Homeowner, Sick Person, Sad Mother, Sad but Proud Mother, Proud Mother, Concerned Patient, Happy Person.

So, a bit lengthy summary of the summer of 2013!